Vision & Mission

Vision: Each child will be well-equipped with the knowledge and abilities to “do the right thing” and the relationship skills to “do the kind thing.” He or she will remain teachable throughout life and truly “follow Jesus.”

Mission: To Bless Children – Rogers School provides a strong academic program with valuable enrichments in a Seventh-day Adventist context.

Philosophy: Educating young people at the elementary school level provides the foundational opportunity to shape how students see, live in, and relate to the world around them. At Rogers School, students are encouraged to relate to a world that needs godly people who think clearly, live responsibly, act nobly, and love generously, even as they plan for eternity.

Rogers School is founded on Christian teachings and values as understood and appreciated by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Central to those teachings is the belief that every person is created in the image of God as a being of inestimable value and worth, imbued with powers of intelligence, creativity, and stewardship, similar to those of the Creator.

Seventh-day Adventists believe that the work of education and the work of redemption are one. Every power – spiritual, social, physical, and mental – is to be kept in balance and is to be developed in tune with the kingdom of God and His righteousness. The home, school, and church cooperate in this effort.

The home is the first and most important place of learning. The school provides academic skills and appreciations while supporting the home and church in modeling spiritual growth and character formation.


It Is Our Desire…

  • That each student will grow to value his or her own unique gifts and will develop an effective approach to life.  That each student will possess a strong curiosity and an eagerness to continue learning throughout life.  That each will find his or her worth as a son or daughter of God and will use God’s blessings in service to each other; in the classroom, on the playground, and within their own family, church, community, and world.

  • That our students leave their elementary years with a rock-solid faith in God and in His love for them and with a desire to get the most out of who God designed them to be. That they go well-prepared for success in high school, for life-long learning, and for positive and productive self-management.

  • That the teachers remain involved in personal and professional growth, supporting and challenging one another and helping to train the teachers of tomorrow and adding valuable information to the field of education.

  • That each teacher continue to value the need for discovery, and to honor and support children with various styles of learning and differing intelligences. And that being life-long learners themselves, the teachers continue to understand their students’ excitement and frustration, successes and failings. That they guide their students by using the qualities of wise and gentle parents.

Contact us


Rogers Adventist School
200 SW Academy Way
College Place, WA 99324

Phone: 509-529-1850
Fax: 509-529-3622